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Author Topic: cam follower replacement in suffolk  (Read 506 times)

Offline RifGTi

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cam follower replacement in suffolk
« on: May 01, 2013, 01:49:35 pm »
Hi guys!

As the title suggests I'm looking to get my cam follower replaced after seeing the large thread on it. I've been trying to find a place that will do it but I've had little luck

My local dealer quoted a price of around £130 which seems a little high and I'm not keen on doing it myself as I don't have any know how in mechanical skills.

Can anyone recommend a place in the Suffolk region?

Thanks!  :happy2:

Offline bimbound

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Re: cam follower replacement in suffolk
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2013, 07:54:40 pm »
Can't help you on a local supplier as i'm not local  :P but that price seems high, the part is circa £30 so thats £100 to fit it, and it's an hrs labour at the most for a competent mechanic.

If I were you I would seriously consider giving it a go, i'm not mechanically minded and I did mine in under an hr following the various guides and that's on an AXX with the banjo clip that is supposed to be a bit harder.

Failing that, maybe a forum member in your area might be happy to help you do it and then you'll be comfortable doing it the next time as most people are making this a part of their standard serviceable parts now.. Save you some dollar in the long run  :happy2: