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Author Topic: GTI woes  (Read 539 times)


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GTI woes
« on: May 01, 2013, 09:15:32 pm »
I am new to the forum, but looking for some advice - I have had a few issues with my 2005 GTI this past week!

I have had it just over a year - really enjoyed it and took the decision to have it Revo stage one remapped two weeks ago.  On my way back from a great touring holiday in Skye at the weekend the dreaded "Stop - oil pressure low" light came on and then went off after 3 or so seconds.  I stopped and checked the oil etc, but it was MOT'd and serviced only a month before, so there was no problem with the amount of oil.  We continued and it subsequently came on a good few miles (130 or so) later on the motorway and whilst i was looking for a safe place to stop, the car cut out completely.

Since then, the engine has been stripped down and there is some piston damage.  There is oil pressure (1 bar), so it seems like it has been a loss of compression that has caused the problems.  Given that the timing is ok, the garage's advice (I have used the same garage for years and trust their opinion) is to either:

a) Source a second hand GTI engine
b) Sell it on as a non runner

I am really just looking for some advice - how much to pay for a second hand engine? Any  dealers that come recommended? 

Or the option i am favouring is cutting my losses at the moment and selling the car on as a non runner - does anyone have an idea of a guide price for what was a well cared for car with FSH/Mot of 11 months/new tyres etc etc.? Anyone looking for a non-running GTI?! Or have used any of the online salvage people?

Any other advice/ comment gratefully received, although my mechanical knowledge is limited.

I have also been on to the Revo dealer who remapped it - getting remap cash back - but they reckon it is an "unfortunate coincidence" that this has happened only 2 weeks after the remap. Again, any thoughts on this?

Gutted, I really liked the car.

