Well not much happened to this recently, with work/drinking and GTA taking over my life the cars been neglected...
Although these did turn up...

Which are...
Eta Beta Splits :)

So started splitting them down for a refurb...

Turns out they just went in the golf to get tyres removed. Unfortunately the fronts were shot, rears are good but are 265 so don't think I'll run them!

Got both front bolt less and center less just need to split the dishes I did read heating the wheel up helps but they didn't fit in the oven :(

So hopefully when I can find time where I'm not playing online GTA I'll get them split and find somewhere to powder coat them.
Anyone recommend anywhere near Lincoln? That isn't ultimate finish as I don't trust them.
Also have a DAB aerial sat at home to fit but haven't got round to it yet.