Welcome Nobber 
Im not usually keen on the Audi rims on Golfs but those look schweet 
Cheers fella. I fell in love with the rims when I saw them on a black mk5 on cleaned.be and knew they were the rims for me!
Hi nobber, think ive seen the car username on other forums 
Oh yeh I get around!

Been in IT all my life so spend my entire day infront of the PC! Had a few cars over the years too so maybe seen me on forums for other marques aswell!!
lookin good nobber 
Thanks vwrascal, right back atcha!
hey mate :)
Golfs still looking sweet mate :)
Cheers Chris. You get around as much as me I see!!!
looks familier
(Oxford show pics!)
Correct Benny. Still got yours I see!