Afternoon boys and girls,
My beloved TDI has developed an interesting fault, on ignition the ABS light comes on, then around 10 feet down the road the ESP / Traction control light comes on too. There are no messages on the dash or beeps or sounds etc.
I've tried restarting the car multiple times to no avail, however if I ignore the lights the car performs exactly as normal. Traction control works fine, still grips and holds. Tested a couple of emergency stops on a private road from 30 ish mph and the car stopped just fine without locking up the wheels.
I also have recorded a short clip of this fault for your viewing.
If anyone has any advice then that would be great ! Dont really fancy taking it to the stealers for a diagnostic scan as they want like £65 just for testing, let alone the actual fix !
In my mind its more of a sensor or wire that's fault as apposed to the actual component, as the performance is the same ?
Anywho, heres the video
Thanks folks