so im in the process of getting my car primed for a bit of remap action, working through all the usual crap that can cause headaches. Cars had a PCV valve last week, boost/smoke test to make sure theres no leaks and a few other odds and sods.

I decided to tackle swapping the recirc valve off last night. got the car up on some ramps after figuring it was to low to go on without a first driving onto some blocks of wood....had a little moochy underneath.... found the offending item, some of the bolts holding it on looked a bit rusty so quick blast of WD. On another guide, id read you need a 5mm alan socket, but the one i have seems to foul against the side of the recirc valve when your trying to get it in. i then went onto a 5mm alan key and subsequently decided to abort as i couldnt even begin to get an alan key onto the top bolt.

so my question is, how the f*ck do people normally get these 8uggers out. Im guessing its a 5mm alan socket with a slightly elongated drive coming out the front?
Any comments about being able to do this job in 5 mins flat whilst standing on your being sucked off can you please keep to yourself

Any help appreciated.