well not quite an explosion but its made a good mess

Got my cambelt changed 2 days ago on my gt 2.0 170 tdi and on a local short trip yesterday noticed it was down on power and making a faint unfamiliar noise chanigng with the amount of revs (hard to describe) as i was close to home and not yet changed over my recovery managed to limp the 1.5/2 mile home.
opened the engine bay and POW! oil everywhere and all over the drive
Being a reputable and friendly garage (used them many times before for cambelts etc on my previous cars) gave them a call and he said dont risk anything and he'll come round my house to have a look.
After a look he couldnt see where the oil had come from but found a very worrying gash in the brand new belt which obv will be replaced for free, got a tow round to his garage last night but im kinda worried/intrigued about what it could be.
what do you think?
from what i can gather the oil had been flying off the aux belt and was driving sweet for the first 15/20 miles

and the most worrying

I'm sure it'll be all sorted in no time being top guys but its just gona niggle at me till i find out what it is