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Welcome Fella!  :drinking:

You got the best/fastest colour I see!  :wink: :laugh:


--- Quote from: JPC on August 06, 2009, 10:48:34 am ---Vaux to VW - i did the same! honestly, in 6 months you will be wondering what you ever saw in your VX! ;)

--- End quote ---

Yeah but his Vauxhall was actually quite nice, it aint a chavvy Vectra with a hood scoop that could swallow babies like somebodies I know  :star: :star:

welcome to the site. any plans?

Thx guys ya i had 2 corsa before a 1.2 and 1.8 and the both were a bit chavvy. but then got astra at 19 and thought i just put some coils on it and it look the part. But i sold cause it will be worth nothing and getting bord of vauxhall tbh. so got a gti.
dont know any plans for this gti yet. prob custom lower springs and shocks in a few months.

just put some 4 goodyear f1 asym on it todayand tracking. feels alot better without the buget tyres it was sold with haha.
needs a servcie next month but i do it this week or next.

welcome , Im impressed with a GTI at 21  :congrats:


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