Well I've not posted for ages and generally I've tried to keep off the site... as every time I came on here I ended up convincing myself I needed to upgrade something.
And that doesnt help when I'm trying to save money :) . I got engaged in March and we are getting married in September so all unnecessary spending is on hold.
Truth is thought the car is pretty much exactly as I want it now. It looks identical to an ED30 inside and out. It looks awesome with its OEM+ mods. It constantly puts a smile on my face when driving. I know its 'only a golf' but this is by far the best car i've owned in terms of the stage of perfection i've got it to, speed, handling, usability, cheapness, etc.
All of this means that I'm desperate to keep it.... but between us we have 3 vehicles (My Van, Golf, and she has a little clio) and we really need to go down to two cars. Also I will be moving from a house with lots of off road parking to somewhere with rather tight on road parking.
I need the van for work... so that has to stay.
So do i let her drive the golf and risk it becoming less than perfect? I'm a perfectionist and I know I will fret over every parking dent and alloy scrape and it could cost a small fortune keeping it in A1 condition if its being used more regularly by someone that isnt quite as anal about its condition (although she is pretty good with it and knows how OCD I am).... BUT... the upside would be at the end of the day I still have it to drive and enjoy on the weekends etc...
Sell the clio and the golf and get something a bit more run of the mill that I care less about so wont mind if it picks up a few dings and scrapes.
Anyway... i dont suppose I'll get an answer and I'm more just saying hello and having a quick look through the forum again really
