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The ring a forum trip

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--- Quote from: joesgti on December 02, 2008, 09:50:00 am ---
--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on December 02, 2008, 09:46:09 am ---i am just trying to see who would be up for it as i am defo going over to disney paris next year so am going to drive up from there  :happy2:

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do you think its too early to organise it?

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The opening hours for 2009 probably won't be out until February, so you could gather a list of names but it might change once you have decided a date.  You'll need to pick a date fairly soon after the opening hours are released as the hotels will get booked up.

I advise including some weekdays in the trip too as weekends get really busy.  We went Thurs-Tues this year and the weekdays were much quieter and the car park wasn't as rammed.  Over the Sat/Sun we used the time to do some spectating and picture taking.

Spoke to my boss earlier.He's just bought a M3 and is organising another works ring trip.Thats happening in February but reckon fitting 2 in would be awesome so count me in.

Can I ask why dont you stop at the am tiergarten..

Its fairly priced,half mile from the entrance and your room overlooks one of the fastest bits of the ring.its owned by Sabines family and if your lucky like I was you get to share a balcony with her...well she was on the next table anyways. :rolleye:

We booked it for 12 rooms 3 weeks before we left last April,no problem with availablity...

car park.

I'm up for it!
I always have fun there :D

Sunglasses Ron:
You know i'm interested Matt. Especially if it stops you decorating the back of my car again  :angry015: :xmaslaugh:..
Only thing is it'll need to be closer to June/July time for me (as you know) for me to have any chance..  :ashamed:


--- Quote from: Vtec Abuser on December 16, 2008, 07:04:54 pm ---You know i'm interested Matt. Especially if it stops you decorating the back of my car again  :angry015: :xmaslaugh:..

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What did he write last time? I've forgotten already

I'm still interested but can't say definite because I don't know what I'm doing next week let alone next month!


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