Nice to see you too! it had to happen today,i was off all week and now i start a new job on monday,no garage time.if u cant drive it how do i get it checked out????!!!!
Get it towed to a dealer. Or get a friendly local to plug a VCDS into just to see what the error is.
There is a low oil light - I've never seen it - but it doesn't flash. Flashing implies badness.
The orange light does sort of flash - in a slow speed cycle - similar to say the low fuel warning. But if it is rapid flashing, then maybe that means the sensor is faulty? 
The top bit of the MFD (in the highline) flashes yellow slowly to signify low fuel. I don't know if that also flashes for oil?
Yup, all 'yellow' warnings are classed as 'priority 2' warnings, and flash slowly (they actually ping up intially with a warning chime, then revert back to the previous display - usually time and date, or nav orientation - and then cycle alternating). Same if you have low screen wash. But if the actual sensor is faulty, then it may well flash at a different rate - though I'm not 100% certain. I know that Audis operate slightly differently, but they have two different methods of warning for either low oil, or a sh@gged oil level sensor.
But any 'red' warnings are classed as 'priority 1' warnings - and obviously, the car should be stopped ASAP - and low oil pressure would be a red priority 1.
Or is he talking about the actual oil light itself? :cnfused:
Dunno - it depends on weather you have highline or midline. On the highline, you get the large icon in the top 1/4 of the MFD, whereas on midline, you just get the small warning lights - similar in size to say the main beam warning light.