I think if the lanes are all free then should be able to stay in the middle. Saves having to move from left to middle back to left at every sliproad and service station. If the roads start to clogg up then yeah reapply the stay left rule tho.
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Sorry let me just be clear.
Save yourself the HASSLE of moving lanes?
If you can't drive in the correct lane at 2am then I severely doubt you are going to drive in the correct lane at 5pm in rush hour.
Correct there Jay. The BBC had a qoute saying that people feel """safer""" sitting in the middle lane. When I was passenger on the drove up to Harrogate on the weekend I looked at each driver just 'sat' in the middle to try and gauge any reaction (ie: where were they looking/hand position on steering wheel/any head movement checking mirrors). Yes, I have about 4 seconds per driver but a common trait was........hand locked at 10-2, dead stare straight, no movement to check blind spots/ mirrors. Yes a very crude test, but as said above, this to me says, I don't want to be here and i'm scared. More training is a potential answer but don't think it'll work with lots. I genuinely don't know what i'd do.
As for evidence for the offences. All it needs now is a police officer to witness some bad driving, think that's enough to prosecute, stop driver, report to court and officer does a QUALITY statement and report thing. Forwarded to traffic people who get the court to summons. Nothing will change. It'll be like any other ticket. As it's a 3 points ticket the quality of evidence will need to be good. Problem atm is alot of people just accept tickets. If challenged to court, alot of tickets would be cancelled. As most ticket get paid, police officers don't generally write good statements as it's another thing to do before they clock off. In the case of the new ticket for careless driving, if you get one and think hang on, that's not very fair, take it to court and you'll be sent the evidence. If the evidence doesn't prove the offence beyond reasonable doubt then it'll be easy to get it binned. All you need to do is bring in an element of doubt.
Video evidence is good, but not necessary, but of course if we're talking about motorways generally you will be videod.
I was reading that report earlier.

Personally I don't think that is an excuse. You are not really any further away from a verge/fence/barrier in the middle lane than you are the inside lane, taking into account the hard-shoulder.

In effect you are simply changing which "side" you have more space on.... It's still no excuse.
I agree with your findings, normally they are the "stare ahead, 10-2 position" driver, but is that an excuse? They are so blind/ignorant of what's going on around them that they are not able to follow the most simple, basic of rules that, as drivers, we should be abiding by?
My personal believe is if you are scared of driving on the motorway, stick to the inside lane and do 55-60 the lorrys. Or don't drive on them at all.
Middle lane hoggers DO cause congestion, cars in the 3rd lane cannot go past slower moving vehicles, who have been forced out, they cut up other cars in order to get past, causing vehicles behind to brake, etc etc.