It resets the parameters of the DSG gearbox, similar to the throttlebody adaption, just with the gearbox.

I'd rather not say exactly what I paid but it was around that region, yes.
Not really saying too much on plans as things evolve, but wheels, extra lows, some bodywork, and we'll see what else happens

Got the boost gauge fitted with the help of my mate Jase.
T-Piece fitted

Many hours of fun in routing the boost tubing... very neatly done on the top by Jason. It's the same method as on my TDI - We used the bonnet release gromet. I don't think this is the "recommended" method but it worked fine for 18 months on my TDI
(USA owners sites run it through a hole in the firewall which is on the passenger side here in the UK, which means dissembling half the dashboard - No thanks)
OEM tape removed, wires stripped and splicing into the light switch for the illumination

(it's the grey wire on the loom going to the headlight plug if anyone is interested)
And then some OEM tape re-applied to seal the connections, everything was routed correctly, boost gauge pod was put into position.

And the finished results:

We also did an oil and filter change, as although it was done about 8k ago, I wanted to have some peace of mind.
We also flushed the coolant as the coolant that was in it was green (BMW independant did the cambelt and water pump so I guess that's all they had lying around) - So we put some lovely VW stuff in it.
It burped itself through on the short drive home, with a low coolant warning after the self-bleed - Topped up with more G12 and happy days!
Also yesterday we did the DSG oil and filter change, as I was not sure if it had been changed previously - It had luckily, so no worries there.

Yesterday I dropped the wheel faces off for painting, should have those back next week.
Doing the pre-cat delete in the week!