yeah I should know better!
It looks so peng though especially for the pictures

don't tell anyone okay?
Seats looking good Jay! Got any more pictures of them?
nah mate sorry not really taken any hah
unfortunately today some prick crashed into my car when it was parked out of the way, infront of my mums house, in a quiet respectable residential street - damaged the wing and the wheel.

Paint has been scuffed off the wing, it's dented way beyond repair (there are also creases further along the wing where it meets the sill, what I saw in the light that originally made me think "hang on it looks wrong"). Where it's pushed the bumper down there's now a gap along between the wing and the bumper and headlight (which I've managed to help fix by bending the panel back slightly) and the wheel is covered in silver paint and has some scuff marks on it.
Pissed off is not the word.
I had the whole front end, bonnet, wings, bumper and BOTH doors all painted and blended in so the colour match was spot on about 6-8 months ago, and about a month ago had the rest of the paintwork done from Lemass... why...........
Pretty sure we know who it was, my mum spotted an Espace or a Scenic which belongs to a neighbours friend , who is a childminder at home and has people coming in and out all day) - she admitted someone had a silver car - it was silver that hit my car - as well as the black plastic trims on the rear bumper of the espace matching up in terms of height to the damage on the car.
A sh*t storm will come down when I see the car next.
Gonna call about tomorrow to get it fixed, probably at Lemass again, feel like someone's stabbed me in the heart lol... oh well. She'll be fixed and back to her good self ASAFP.