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Author Topic: Ps4 or Xbox one  (Read 16287 times)

Offline Deako

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2013, 01:53:17 pm »
The one thing I want is forza mind!
There is a game called drive club which looks ok, I just think the ps4 is going to be an easier console day to day, the whole crap about having it connected to the Internet once a day is going to be a nightmare! Going on holiday so can you 'look' after the Xbox ahah!

I cant believe this actually bothers people? My Xbox 360 is connected to the internet whenever im playing anything. Its a non issue.

The DRM issues dont bother me, i buy "most" my games new anyway. After a few weeks, they are discounted sufficiently cheaper than most pre-owned copies anyway. But Sony has definitely got the edge with its blow to the gut and allowing DRM free games.

Xbox One for me, as i have invested a fair amount of time since 2006 on my Gamertag. And i much prefer Forza to GT.

The Xbox exclusives look great too.  :happy2:

Everyone should also remember that the £429 for the Xbox One is including the new HD Kinect system. You had to pay £130 for Kinect alone when it was released for the Xbox 360.

Offline JStav

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2013, 02:28:23 pm »
The one thing I want is forza mind!
There is a game called drive club which looks ok, I just think the ps4 is going to be an easier console day to day, the whole crap about having it connected to the Internet once a day is going to be a nightmare! Going on holiday so can you 'look' after the Xbox ahah!

I cant believe this actually bothers people? My Xbox 360 is connected to the internet whenever im playing anything. Its a non issue.

The DRM issues dont bother me, i buy "most" my games new anyway. After a few weeks, they are discounted sufficiently cheaper than most pre-owned copies anyway. But Sony has definitely got the edge with its blow to the gut and allowing DRM free games.

Xbox One for me, as i have invested a fair amount of time since 2006 on my Gamertag. And i much prefer Forza to GT.

The Xbox exclusives look great too.  :happy2:

Everyone should also remember that the £429 for the Xbox One is including the new HD Kinect system. You had to pay £130 for Kinect alone when it was released for the Xbox 360.

Would it bother you if you didn't have an internet connection then?  Not me personally but I have friends in the RAF who wouldn't be able to use an xbox as they can't guarantee they have a proper internet connection, depending on where they're based.  Certainly more than a "non-issue" to some.

I normally buy my xbox games, complete the game then sell them on and recoup a good portion of the money back (as i dont really play much online) and MS have deliberately targeted this.

Yes the £429 includes the kinect sensor.  What if you don't play Kinect games?  My room is the size of a shoe box and I have absolutely zero interest in playing kinect-able games.  So why am I being stung for something I don't want or need?  Why not package it separately?  Purchasing the PS4 and their kinect version still works out cheaper than buying an xbone.  Also why am I getting stung in comparison to the Americans?  500 dollars worked out at about 320 quid at current rates.  However MS have decided im good for another hundred quid.

If the rumours are to be believed about them having to downclock the processor speeds due to yield problems as well as Microsoft implicated in the prism scandal currently going on, and the fact they want kinect to always be on, I'm really struggling to see benefits of buying one.  Will they even be able to sell them in Europe given our privacy laws?

As a current xbox user I'm really really annoyed at what MS have tried.  I assumed I would just buy an xbone as a continuation from my 360 as I've enjoyed the franchises and I personally think the xbo controller is far better.  Not a chance now, would rather get the PS4 and have 80 odd quid in my back pocket.
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Offline nathangallo

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2013, 02:36:11 pm »
I'm going to go game later and do mine :driver:

I know we have to pay a premium to get it on the first day but I also know I will be jelous if I didn't get it first day :grin:

Looked at prices of games then and there not cheap mind, looks like FIFA is £69 cod is £55, so to get a good setup from attach we're looking at £500 I reckon

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2013, 02:43:08 pm »
I would never use Kinect/PSEye. Given that we still don't have 100% reliable broadband, it's a bit silly to demand an always-on connection. Secondhand/used games are an excellent way to try "unusual" or "different" games. The only downside to the PS4 is that we'll now have to pay for online gaming, which was free on the PS3.

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2013, 02:48:43 pm »
I would never use Kinect/PSEye. Given that we still don't have 100% reliable broadband, it's a bit silly to demand an always-on connection. Secondhand/used games are an excellent way to try "unusual" or "different" games. The only downside to the PS4 is that we'll now have to pay for online gaming, which was free on the PS3.

I'm used to paying for xbox live so the online gaming payment won't make much difference to me.  However reading up about it I was suprised (pleasantly!) they give you free games for being a PS+ subscriber?
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Offline nathangallo

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2013, 03:01:11 pm »
The one thing I want is forza mind!
There is a game called drive club which looks ok, I just think the ps4 is going to be an easier console day to day, the whole crap about having it connected to the Internet once a day is going to be a nightmare! Going on holiday so can you 'look' after the Xbox ahah!

I cant believe this actually bothers people? My Xbox 360 is connected to the internet whenever im playing anything. Its a non issue.

The DRM issues dont bother me, i buy "most" my games new anyway. After a few weeks, they are discounted sufficiently cheaper than most pre-owned copies anyway. But Sony has definitely got the edge with its blow to the gut and allowing DRM free games.

Xbox One for me, as i have invested a fair amount of time since 2006 on my Gamertag. And i much prefer Forza to GT.

The Xbox exclusives look great too.  :happy2:

Everyone should also remember that the £429 for the Xbox One is including the new HD Kinect system. You had to pay £130 for Kinect alone when it was released for the Xbox 360.

What happens if you don't play on it everyday, what is the problem with it not connecting to the Internet? The issuer with the games doesn't bother me at all as I have never traded a game in or bought second hand.

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2013, 03:08:28 pm »
Just imagine your Internet breaks for a few days, can't even play Xbox, and in it
Of countries around the world the Internet connection is still unreliable and/or a luxury.

As for kinect never use it I think it's pointless.

Offline nathangallo

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2013, 03:28:57 pm »
My Internet isn't 100% so I think I should defiantly stay clear ahah!

Offline Deako

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2013, 03:30:07 pm »
Just imagine your Internet breaks for a few days, can't even play Xbox, and in it
Of countries around the world the Internet connection is still unreliable and/or a luxury.

As for kinect never use it I think it's pointless.

It has wifi, i have an iphone with personal hotspot. No problem for me. Im sure there will be some kind of workaround for armed forces.

There is also plenty of time for the requirements to change. At this stage, they are still counteracting public reaction.

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2013, 11:08:42 am »
I bought a PS1 a week after Launch, Bought my PS2 on Launch Day in Japan (3-4 Months before UK release, was living in Singapore at the time) and pre-ordered my PS3 for collection on launch day from Woolworths (remember them?), needless to say I have just pre-ordered my PS4 from Shopto £348.98, hope its November sometime.

Regards Backwards compatability with PS3 I am not at all fussed, I never played PS2 games on my PS3 so not being able to play PS3 games on my PS4 does not bother me in the slightest :happy2:

The Kinect is something I know about, lost of the guys at the golf club have Xbox 360 and only one of them has Kinect, and for the guys who have PS3 none have the PS3 Eye, I don't think trying to justify the extra money for the Kinect is right as in my case only 10% actually use it and I am guessing that the PS4 Eye price will still mean its priced under the Xbox One.

Second hand games are worth considering, I play regularly with some guys from the Golf club (in the golf club itself lol, handy when the Golf Pro and head greenkeeper are very keen gamers), I also get free golf lessons from the Pro courtesy of him not being able to beat me at Tiger Woods 14  :P, they also have a 60" screen to use  :grin:) so they sometimes buy games and we play them on my PS3, when we are bored the game gets sold and we get a new one (Altho Fifa, Call of Duty, Madden and Tiger never gets boring), I also trade/sell older games I no longer use (bought on a whim and did not like).

I also play online with some mates and my brother (although only once or twice per month) and being lucky enough to have 50MB+ broadband the connection issue it not there (I can also connect at the Golf club using their Wifi), online gaming in the main is not for me, mostly its a bunch of yank kids giving it the "Big one", can do without hearing some spotty virgin trash talking  :signLOL: I had a Bluetooth earpiece for 3 months and soon left it turned off with volume down!.

The PS3 will pretty much live at the golf club once there are some decent games launched on PS4  :signLOL:

There is always going to be brand loyalty (me) or those who don't want to change (me) and those people will buy PS4, it will be interesting to see how many from PS3 buy Xbox One and how many from Xbox 360 Buy PS4, personally I think there will be more of the latter due to price/limitations on Xbox One.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 11:22:19 am by Tamiyoman »
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Offline Jamie3184

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2013, 01:58:44 pm »
Xbox one for me i think, although not till next year at the earliest when the prices will have come down and different models/software will be out to iron out all the problems it is bound to have.

Offline Deako

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2013, 02:47:54 pm »
Heard that the PS4 Eye will be an additional £70, so there is realisitically only £10 difference in the overall price.

Offline JStav

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #27 on: June 12, 2013, 03:21:47 pm »
Heard that the PS4 Eye will be an additional £70, so there is realisitically only £10 difference in the overall price.

£44 it has been announced at.  And again not everyone wants it.

Tamiyoman - I also think there'll be a hell of a lot more going from xbox --> PS4 as opposed to the other way round.  That's the way I'm going!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 03:25:06 pm by JStav »
Silver GTI, Revo Stage 1, R32 rear bumper, R32 exhaust, R32 rear lights, ED30 front splitter, RCD510, Lowered on Eibachs, open fog grills.

Offline Deako

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2013, 03:43:21 pm »
Heard that the PS4 Eye will be an additional £70, so there is realisitically only £10 difference in the overall price.

£44 it has been announced at.  And again not everyone wants it.

Ahh, cheaper than i thought then. Not much in it overall.

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Re: Ps4 or Xbox one
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2013, 04:04:10 pm »
The Xbox1 is going to hit M$ profits hard.