Push it..?
Seriously though that's the best you are going to get around town tbh, even if you bought a diesel it'll still be relatively crap on juice on town driving (My old A3 2.0Tdi 140) would do 35mpg at best round town..
We won't help Steve I'm sure by saying I get more in the Audi nipping across town roughly 3 miles (34-37mpg) than I did the best combined figure ever in the GTI (35mpg), will we?

The raw facts are though that the majority of owners haven't seen above 38-40mpg even on long journeys, around town 24mpg is a rough marker and the rest is somewhere inbetween. It's not a car or engine you can squeeze economy out of like you would a more recent diesel or TSI block.
Keep it well maintained and enjoy it for what it does 
Sadly that's the cold hard facts of life with a gti mate!
Even at its worst (35mpg) my A3 was still 5mpg on average better than the ed30 on a run 

The A3 has never dropped into the high twenties no matter how hard I try. I don't think I've ever seen it drop below 33mpg and that's including driving from my driveway into the street in a lot of cases which is measured in feet or meters

600 or so miles to a tank in summer is nice and I noticed a marked difference in my fuel station appearances since getting the A3

A friend has just traded in his EP3 Civic Type R for a Rocco' 2.0 TDI 140hp who said the same. Finding I have this convo' with more and more people, too...
At the same time, I'm constantly looking at petrol cars online as a "what can I get for my second car at some point in the future" thing...
P.S. I need to pick your brains about a Milltek soon after our previous chats