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Author Topic: Can the clutch take it  (Read 953 times)

Offline AndyS

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Can the clutch take it
« on: June 16, 2013, 11:09:54 am »
When I had my standard GTI tuned , it required a new clutch due to the extra torque  :surprised:

I am looking at getting a Cupra R , if I was to get this tuned can this car take the extra torque, or would it need an up-rated clutch ?  :popcornsoda:

Thanks for your time

Andy S.

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: Can the clutch take it
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2013, 11:45:32 am »
I dont think so, maybe you need to adjust the way you drive the car.  There are plenty of guys here who have managed to run stage 2+ power outputs on the stock clutch with no issues.  I could make my clutch slip if i stuck it in a high gear at low speed and then buried the throttle.  The trick is not to do this and instead change down a cog or two and look after your transmission.

Remember, your peak torque is about 3000rpm.  Prolonged periods of Wide Open throttle in this the region is what will cause premature clutch wear.  Keep the revs above the peak torque region when makin progress or burying the throttle will limit the wear and its faster that way anyway.