Ive not gone mad but does anybody else sometimes think that their car is way faster than it needs to be? Compared to some on here my car prob sounds a bit slow, i have a remapped edition 30 with panel filter and nothing else
I have just been out for a drive and it just seems really fast, ive been going mad recently for a sports cat and dp but when i think about it i really dont need it, i dont know why i want it to be any faster 
Is it just me? Dont flog me too hard 
I have a remapped Edition 30 (and a panel filter which has been in the garage for a month

) ...... and I am very happy with it. The map has been on the car for getting towards a year and without any problems.
I have a more aggressive map and have tried that a few times but, TBH, I really like the power delivery of the more 'modest' older Superchips DSG map I am running. It seems to really suit the car and allows me to deploy all power much more readily than the more aggressive newer map. I can swap maps when I like - as they are both on the laptop - but haven't .... the older less aggressive map still enables me to complete overtakes far more safely than when I was running the car as standard ! Oh, and still gives nearly 300bhp

I can afford a TBE if I want .... but don't want to 'ruin' the feel of the car which is very important to me. I have had quicker cars but being able to 'thrash' a car every now and then and not run the risk of getting locked up is more fun .....
There is alot to be said for being able to use all of the power more often than 'most' of the power sometimes .... and carefully at that.
This all said, I really want a TBE to make the top end fizz