Interesting topic guys, have to say. IMO it's all down to your own taste. Some will get bored of power very quickly cough-JC, Hurdy-cough

and some are happy with the car as standard. But I would like to see how many people on here that have gone for further mods (TBE etc) and then thought "it's to fast, i'm taking it off!!!".. Not many at a guess

Im looking foward to running Stage 1 in either Apr or Bluefin at this moment in time.
Same thoughts about the downpipe whether to splash on that aswell.I dont want the Non Res Exhaust to become too loud .But want to see 1st the improovement of the map before doubling my expense. Pointless going too mad for a front wheel drive (imo)as i feel the Edition 30 is in standard form , is a very well balanced car.
I hope the remap doesnt ruin the cars appeal as it has currently. Less agressive route would be preferable rather the the more Agressive Revo map offering,and also stop the rate it'll chew DSG clutch packs and Tyres by overdoing it.
On a seperate note, I Have touched base with Jkm today and have made arrangements for next month already with them, so i am itching to get underway.
Nice to see you have decided to join the dark side pal

. I'm sure whatever software you go with you will love it mate. But I wouldn't dismiss Revo to quickly though Steve in regards to it being to aggressive. The Select + switch can give you pretty much whatever power delivery you want. I have tried all sorts on mine, from very progressive, to highly aggressive.. Just food for thought ..