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Author Topic: Lumpy idle  (Read 13115 times)


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Re: Lumpy idle
« Reply #75 on: June 15, 2013, 06:15:57 pm »
mines doing this, when i log the above on idle its cylinder 2.

Mines exactly the same can count 4 in the matter of 20 seconds
mine counts to 20  :grin:
Bloody belly mines not that bad lol do you find when driving at low speed it feels very juddery  
erm no, i wouldnt say so.

I cant decide if i should just fit a new injector or try terra clean 1st

I tried it.. Doesn't work. New injector is the way foward. Save your £100 from Terraclean and buy an injector instead.

Offline MightyMullet

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Re: Lumpy idle
« Reply #76 on: June 15, 2013, 08:19:24 pm »
What are the chances that this is the pcv? Doesnt a broken pcv result in lose of power? And could i still use it if its bust?


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Re: Lumpy idle
« Reply #77 on: June 15, 2013, 08:34:17 pm »
If your PCV fails, then your idle at its slowest will be unable to sit at 800rpm.
It will surge upto 1500rpm and splutter. Mine has failed in the past.

I've changed coil packs , spark plugs, done Terraclean, and actually have VCDS to confirm this was narrowed down to a faulty injector, doing  exactly what your video shows. Splutters badly on Cold Starting and improved once when warmed up, or if I turn on the air con ,which raises the idle speed to 800rpm, and 760rpm with Air con off.

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Re: Lumpy idle
« Reply #78 on: June 15, 2013, 08:59:35 pm »
If your PCV fails, then your idle at its slowest will be unable to sit at 800rpm.
It will surge upto 1500rpm and splutter. Mine has failed in the past.

I've changed coil packs , spark plugs, done Terraclean, and actually have VCDS to confirm this was narrowed down to a faulty injector, doing  exactly what your video shows. Splutters badly on Cold Starting and improved once when warmed up, or if I turn on the air con ,which raises the idle speed to 800rpm, and 760rpm with Air con off.

Awesome thanks a lot steve, just trying to cover all options as like i said im doing some miles in it this week. Really helped me out buddy. Put my mind at rest atleast.

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Re: Lumpy idle
« Reply #79 on: June 16, 2013, 10:04:44 pm »
Will the injector eventually just cut off? And i trust the car will refuse to work once this happens? Just dont want to be stuck in the welsh outback while im using it this week.

Sorry for being a pain, im used to having a lumpy idle, turning a screw and hey presto problem solved!


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Re: Lumpy idle
« Reply #80 on: June 17, 2013, 08:35:29 am »
Will the injector eventually just cut off? And i trust the car will refuse to work once this happens? Just dont want to be stuck in the welsh outback while im using it this week.

Sorry for being a pain, im used to having a lumpy idle, turning a screw and hey presto problem solved!

I would imagine the lumpy idle will slowly get worse, and not just cut off. What you may find is, you may have Emmisions issues come MOT test time, as the ECU will be trying to correct the fuelling issue on idle. Fine to use for your trip, but one i would get investigated ASAP.

Offline MightyMullet

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Re: Lumpy idle
« Reply #81 on: June 21, 2013, 09:27:09 pm »

I got to the border of wales and then the exhaust emmisions light came on. So i decided to see where my nearest VW was, which luckily there was one close by. Took it down to them and it had two faults
1. Ignition coil was causing missfires
2. Pressure valve at the front of the engine (i assume pcv?)

I asked if it was the pcv and he said, its just a pressure valve :stupid:

I guess theres soo many things that it can be, its hard to know without plugging it in what the real fault was. Didnt take long to diagnose and fix it, about 180mins and they cleaned and hovered it  :happy2: brucie bonus!

Cheers for your help Steve  :drinking:
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 09:30:18 pm by MightyMullet »


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Re: Lumpy idle
« Reply #82 on: June 21, 2013, 09:34:41 pm »

I got to the border of wales and then the exhaust emmisions light came on. So i decided to see where my nearest VW was, which luckily there was one close by. Took it down to them and it had two faults
1. Ignition coil was causing missfires
2. Pressure valve at the front of the engine (i assume pcv?)

I asked if it was the pcv and he said, its just a pressure valve :stupid:

I guess theres soo many things that it can be, its hard to know without plugging it in what the real fault was. Didnt take long to diagnose and fix it, about 180mins and they cleaned and hovered it  :happy2: brucie bonus!

Cheers for your help Steve  :drinking:

pleasure  :happy2:

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Re: Lumpy idle
« Reply #83 on: June 21, 2013, 09:43:36 pm »
mines booked in on wednesday.

New injector

rev p PCV (front and rear)

new fuel lines swapping from banjo bolt to newer flex pipe.