Evening Folks, hoepfully only a quickie, the car came up with fault code 01218 last night, although I have no details in my book of this, I have found it to be 'side airbag igniter - passenger side.' I have found a VW TSB (what ever that stands for,)or more accurately a detailed DIY write up on VWvortex, which involves removal of a connector/soldering etc which isn't a problem to do.
But the very first stage is to disconnect the battery, this is where I worry, I was sure I had read somewhere that disconnecting the battery would clear the ECU of a remap if it had, had one!
My golf is remapped, but I obviously want to clear the airbag fault. I dont want to do anything in a rush, and risk loosing the map. Can anyone confirm if this true or not about disconnecting the battery!
Cheers folks