Are you feeling the benefits now Gaz? I ran my pump with Stage 1 software and found it much improved.
Couple of observations -
I know it's not in any of the supplied instructions but the factory repair manual does specifically state to have Cyl 1 at TDC before fitting a pump.
Make sure not to open the drivers door with the fuel pipes removed, you'll get wet.
Be careful if the door has been opened or the car run in the previous couple of hours as the system will be charged with pressure.
Not sure about the moly grease, is that in the APR instructions?? The follower is in the main engine oil path so my understanding is any lube on install should be engine oil only so as not to contaminate the engine oil. One of the problems with the dodgy batches of internals was fuel passing through the shaft seal and making its way back to the sump.
Yes, the moly grease tip is in the APR instructions, its only a very small amount, a smear at the most
""if you are using a new cam follower, be sure to use some moly grease on the camshaft side of the follower for intial break in", copied from the APR destructions

I did put a note about depressurising the system

, you are supposed to disconnect the battery
It definately does feel more responsive running it with the stg 1 map, thought it was the placebo effect at first but the more miles I did the better it got, maybe adjusting itself a bit