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Author Topic: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5  (Read 3163 times)

Offline Leebo310

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Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2013, 03:14:55 pm »
You can get really complicated so I'll keep this simple
Just buy what I suggest and you'll be fine.

WASHING - Your existing Shampoo will be fine.


SPRAYER - Use this honestly -

Fill it with a dab of shampoo and top with water. Nice and easy to clay then.

POLISH (FILLER) - SUPER RESIN POLISH and apply it with one of these..
It will help the product work better than you ever could with a normal pad or a cloth.

WAX - COLLINITE 476S (or if you wanted extra protection you can firstly use Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection and then use Collinite afterwards).
Use these to apply waxs or sealants

The process. Very briefly.

Wash the car firstly with fairly liquid (yes guys this is perfectly safe it does not corrode paint it does not cause rusting it is not bad, otherwise it would not be dermatalogically tested!!)
Now depends on the weather if it's sunny dry the car with a quality microfibre drying towel . Then move onto claying.

If it's not sunny then carry onto claying with the car still wet as it will make your life easier.
Use the clay with the shampoo mix in the bottle I linked you to. Clay the car thoroughly. If you've never clayed watch videos on Youtube. Mike Phillips, Larry @ AmmoNYC, Greg@Chemical Guys , and Junkman9000 all have done videos of how to clay
You do not have to use any special lubricants with Bilt Hamber no however the extra lubrication will reduce possibility of marring

After claying I like to either give the car a snowfoam or a quick single bucket wash just to remove any bits of clay or residues that could be left

Okay now the car has been clayed make sure it's nice and dry... you can go around the car with super resin polish.
Apply this using some applicators I linked to..

Work a panel at a time working the polish until it clears and then buff off with a CLEAN MICROFIBRE. Not one full of stones where it's been on the ground but a nice clean one.

After you've done the whole car now you can add your wax or sealant.
Follow manufacturer recommendations.

If you are using Collinite do 2 panels at a time, use a sponge applicator pad and work in straight line motions with THIN EVEN COATS.
If you buff Collinite off too soon it will "smear" leaving a hologrammy effect. So it's best to leave it for a short while.
Again use a clean microfibre towel to buff off. If the towel gets slightly grabby just apply less pressure, let the towel just glide over and pick up what it can and then eventually it'll level out and you can buff away nicely.

I always do 2 coats of wax to ensure coverage.

If you use Extra Gloss protection then apply it in a similar motion (straight lines) but you will need to use more product. EGP is weird to use it's like a liquid that transforms into a crystaline shell and it's the crystaline that you buff off. You can see where you've worked as you're applying when it goes hazy.
After you've gone round the whole car you need to wait 30-45 minutes.
Test a panel by getting your finger and doing a "swipe" to see if it removes cleanly. If it does go around and buff the whole car.
Don't forget to start buffing off where you first applied. ..

And then give it an hour or 2 before coating with Collinite (if you applied the EGP)

Ultimately the quality of the finish is in the paint preperation. I gave my car a full detail inc paint correction but it is topped with Collinite only as it's so durable (even though I wax it monthly rather than every 3-4 months)

With a well applied Glaze you can get a similar finish.  Up close however you'll be able to tell the difference

On Golfs make sure you dry under the mirrors very well as well - and avoid putting the windows down for a few hours.
Water sits under the mirrors so when you drive off it sprays all down the side of the car.
Little things you learn when you've owned one for 3 years lol

Mate fair play, awesome write up and the picture shows that it works!  :happy2:

Oh and I noticed the water spray under the wing mirrors thing too after I cleaned it on the weekend! Most annoying!
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Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2013, 07:54:25 pm »
It is indeed
 :sick: :sad1:

i should also state you should only use fairy liquid when doing decontamination washes (major washes maybe every 3-6 months)

regularly you should use a quality ph neutral shampoo.
I use Ammo NYC foam which I import from America
Failing that you could use AF Lather, Autoglym Body shampoo conditioner, megs (anything that is wax safe basically)

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Re: Newby after a bit of advice for a black mk5
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2013, 08:49:39 pm »
Fair liquid is full of salt, try to buy a dedicated degreaser, you paint and rubber trims will thank you.
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