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My Mk6
So, this is my beast. It's new to me, and a massive upgrade on anything I've had before. My previous car history includes a 1.0l Nissan Micra k-series and a Renault Clio 1.2 Tce Dynamique (although considering 1.2, was faster than you'd think). Anyway, Reflex Silver May '12 car. Won't be changing this one any time soon. Loving it. No plans to do anything to it other than drive it and enjoy the experience. Maybe sometime I'll change the wheels but not any time soon.
Ended up with a DSG for a number of reasons, mostly health and the GTi was my compromise for having to lose a gear stick. And now I get to hoon everywhere (apart from past speed cameras :wink:)
Looks well! You must have mods planned!! :happy2:
Looks great lad! Recently just bought a mk6 myself.
Any plans for it?
--- Quote from: Baz_doc on June 30, 2013, 01:06:07 am ---Looks great lad! Recently just bought a mk6 myself.
Any plans for it?
--- End quote ---
No plans really for straight away - no spare budget from buying it at the moment. Maybe change the wheels for some 18" when I have some cash again. I'd like to take it on a CAT driver training day to help 'learn' it and find out what it can do in a safe(ish) environment too as it's a lot more powerful than I've handled before. I'm doing OK, but not prepared to see what will stick (or not) on the road, especially when most of my driving is to and from client meetings for work! Unlikely to see a track other than as a support car in the near future as we have a track toy that is insured for track stuff.
It's by far the nicest car I've had so far, so want to get the paintwork properly perfect. There are some minor scratches from some circular polishing (grrr) when it's been cleaned in the past by the looks of it, and some stone chips I want sorting. I'm not a detailer, but this is a special car to me so it will get some tlc (as well as some good hooning as the best way to keep the exhaust pipes sweet and shiny).
Mostly my plans are just to enjoy it, because that's why we buy them in the first place. :happy2:
Looks really well and I'm not a massive fan of 5 door cars
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