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Author Topic: Getting to the end of my tether...  (Read 2980 times)

Offline ConeKiller

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Re: Getting to the end of my tether...
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2013, 04:16:01 pm »
I can't help with the situation but you seem to be dealing with it in a much better way than I would, its unreal that they have treated you that bad for this long! Hang on in there, I agree that the next steps seem to be a solicitor!

Offline MateyGuv

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Re: Getting to the end of my tether...
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2013, 06:41:57 pm »
Wow!! It makes me angry that there are still dealers out there that are this poor!! As the original fault was never fully rectified you should be able to back the car. I would suggest you call VW customer services and re state your problems - make sure they are aware that the dealer has never fully sorted the original problem out. Say you have lost faith in the car and after owning so many vag cars it a shame that this is the first time you have experienced this lack of customer service. That will prompt a call to the dealer where they will get a chance to say what they have done. VW Customer services will be on your side (seriously they will - customer satisfaction is massive at the moment) and they will try and broker an acceptable conclusion. I fully except that I will get shot down in flames but there really isn't the kind of profit margins in cars people think there is for a dealer these days. They will have made their money from you taking the finance through VWFS. If you only funded 5k DO NOT VT the car as you will loose a fortune. Next step is to call VWFS and go through the same as you did with customer services. Only difference this time is you are asking for assistance because you don't know what to do as you are still paying your regular payment but have not got the use of the car. Lay it on thick that you need help but no one at the dealership seems to be taking you seriously. This will prompt another call this time from VWFS. The DP or sales manager will get this one and as most of the dealerships profit comes from finance will be taken up quick smart. From experience the nicer and calmer you are when raising you problems (I know it goes against everything you are feeling) the more customer services and financial services will push. State what's happened, what's been done and the fact it still aint sorted.  If this doesn't get something happening you need to be naming and shaming the dealership and start legal proceedings

Offline Scottymon

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Re: Getting to the end of my tether...
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2013, 06:52:26 pm »
Return Key.

Offline jbc

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Re: Getting to the end of my tether...
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2013, 07:23:36 pm »
Have you got free legal advice on your car insurance, bank current account, home insurance, etc. If so they will probably write a letter to VW/dealer/VWFS for you free of charge. A colleague at work used this to force an independent dealer into giving him a full refund for a car which turned out to be a dud. The solicitor ended up doing quite a bit of work in the end but it cost him nothing.
2012 Mk6 GTD. Tornado Red. TPMS, RNS510 and reverse camera retrofit.

Offline lippyx

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Re: Getting to the end of my tether...
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2013, 07:34:18 pm »
Mateyguv, VW customer services are already involved. I sent them a letter at the start of the year, and they have been good. They called me today and I told them how I keep getting fobbed off and they were very apologetic and said they would call the guy I have been dealing with and try to get sone sort of response. They said it was bad that I have been doing all the car sourcing and calling.

I will see if anything happens, but me and the otherhalf are going to visit the dealer at the weekend I think. I know I just have to hang on in there, but I miss having my own car!

2013 Golf R

Offline MateyGuv

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Re: Getting to the end of my tether...
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2013, 08:24:23 pm »
Go in ten mins before they are due to close loooool Only problem with weekend visits to sort problems out is that most DP's won't work weekends and the sales/service managers will have to ok anything with them first. Iv spoken with my legal team and asked what they thought and although there is a chance the dealer could win (they have tried - and failed - to rectify problems and provided you with a vehicle) they would not like to risk court so would be very keen to sort out a problem like this without getting that far. The general thought was that it MAY be viewed as unfit for purpose when purchased. Generally speaking if the fault cannot be rectified within three attempts its viewed as unfit for purpose in court. I am not a legal person (I'm a salesperson) so don't take my word for gospel. Keep us updated with the outcome....... and which dealer is it?

Offline lippyx

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Re: Getting to the end of my tether...
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2013, 08:35:45 pm »
Go in ten mins before they are due to close loooool Only problem with weekend visits to sort problems out is that most DP's won't work weekends and the sales/service managers will have to ok anything with them first. Iv spoken with my legal team and asked what they thought and although there is a chance the dealer could win (they have tried - and failed - to rectify problems and provided you with a vehicle) they would not like to risk court so would be very keen to sort out a problem like this without getting that far. The general thought was that it MAY be viewed as unfit for purpose when purchased. Generally speaking if the fault cannot be rectified within three attempts its viewed as unfit for purpose in court. I am not a legal person (I'm a salesperson) so don't take my word for gospel. Keep us updated with the outcome....... and which dealer is it?

Well, ironically, I am a purchaser and am actually doing a course, and at the moment we are studying what happens when some thing is not fit for purpose and not to satisfactory quality. The car has been back and forth more than 3 times with the same problem, not forgetting the other issues that have come about in the mean time!

The dealer suggested exchanging the car, so now they have to meet what they have promised. I don't want to go to court, I have more important stuff in my life than faffing with court proceedings, so I hope this gets sorted outside of court.

I think we will be paying a visit Friday afternoon rather than the weekend, this means if VWCS speak to him tomorrow, that gives him a further 24hrs or so to call me.

I don't want to name and shame just yet, as it only fair I see what they say after I mentioned my feelings to VWCS this evening. I know, how many more chances, but give them enough rope and all that!!

Thanks for your help guys, I really appreciate it, and I will let you know what happens over the next few weeks!! Hopefully I'll be posting up some pictures of my new car!!

2013 Golf R

Offline Scottymon

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Re: Getting to the end of my tether...
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2013, 08:38:43 pm »
Good luck pal.

Offline doylebros

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Re: Getting to the end of my tether...
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2013, 10:21:19 pm »
Wow, few hours sleep lost on this motor!

I 'm sure if you've documented your case and have copies of dealer paper work for their failed repairs, Citizens Advice Bureau will offer the best route and they are a free service!

Just remain professional and keep the faith.