Damn right RR - just cos you can make it fit, doesn't mean it'll work right... fatal error!
Thats basically all I was getting at.. And trying to dispel the myth that in the world of brakes bigger equals better..
Initial bite is where the outright performance comes from in a brake package, the ability to take of speed when the car is traveling at a high speed, when the car is most planted / has the highest aero loading.. Then how the friction properties change throughout the braking zone in relation to temperature..
Obviously there are different priorities for some when looking for uprated brakes, so if the car is going to be used on the road only, then I would suggest trying a few and see what suits your style of driving best.. Some can't get along with high initial bite brakes etc..
Regal demo car has the Alcon set up, VWR has the VWR set up.. There the only two that I have driven and there both very good.. For me the VWR brakes are the best, but like I say, its down to what you prefer..