General > Track Days

Blyton Park 03/08/13

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Might pop up in the afternoon with my camera if i can get a pass....  :smiley:

Top Cat:
No pass required to get track side Rich! or did you mean a release form from the missus.  :evilgrin:


--- Quote from: Top Cat on July 29, 2013, 11:31:16 pm ---No pass required to get track side Rich! or did you mean a release form from the missus.  :evilgrin:

--- End quote ---

The latter!  :signLOL:


Aiming to do the Apex day later in the month. Javelin have added a blyton the day after on Sunday too.

I only have 3 federals atm. Meant to order 2 for the back but due to getting to the bottom (trying to) of an electronic fault only ordered one. ££!  :sad1:

Gutted I'm away and therefore missing this one as I quite Blyton for a good blast! :driver:

I maybe there later in the month on the Apex day, possibly joined by Monte too if anyone else fancies it? You coming out on track with us on the Apex day then Mike? :pomppomp:


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