Firstly, I blame Chris (WhiteGTI) and Hurdy for this; And then I blame the whole of this forum for being such a bad influence!
Mat has had his TD's on his white Ed30 for a while and now Chris has got some and is raving about the difference they make to handling. They are a well established lightweight wheel with an excellent reputation and don't cost an arm and a leg.
Until I went on the forum's trip to The Ring, they simply would not have been a consideration. I found no fault with my car's setup around the Nordschleife - I didn't drive on the limit but neither did I drive like a granny. They aren't the prettiest wheel and I do particularly love my Smoked Chrome powdercoated Monza 18's and also have some Monza 17's I can try to sell too. But the TD's would enhance my VWR-KW-V3 coilover and Quaife diff setup even further and in a way well suited for both trackday and very spirited road driving when appropriate (not so rare!).
I wish I didn't love the look of my Monza 18's so much! However, the TD's are far from ugly imo.
Looks aren't the primary consideration but has anyone got any pics of either silver or black TD's on a red GTI, please?