Afternoon all,
I'm hoping you guys can help, you were all very helpful when I had the previous light sensor issue

For a while I've noticed the fan comes on on my MK5 an awful lot, seemingly even when it's not that hot/the cars not been on a long run. I happened across a similar topic on PH and it seems that the smaller of the two fans by the rad, the one on the drivers side is prone to failing. However doing some searching seems to imply that when they fail they seize, however mine spins freely.
When I turn on the climate the large fan seems to come on, when I turn the climate off the fan stops - as far as I can tell the small fan doesn't operate. I understand due to the heat the AC unit emits the smaller of the two fans should run all the time - is this correct? If the smaller fan does spin freely does this mean it actually isn't broken, and perhaps the ballast resistor (or equivalent of) has burnt out or corroded (2005 MK5)? Does the Golf have a seperate AC condensor, as that fan seems to be by the main rad, I'd assume there's a seperate one as per a car I worked on over the winter?
And the obvious question, does it really matter if the small fan doesn't work, I guess it's just noisier/the bigger fan's getting more of a workout?
Cheers for any help, appreciated.