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Author Topic: Rns 510 pony  (Read 1059 times)

Offline gruf

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Rns 510 pony
« on: July 12, 2013, 11:25:23 pm »
I've bought rns..c version
I've bought new can bus from ed in Yarmouth who fitted and coded.
I've updated firmware to 3810 and it took a few tries until it worked but eventually it did.
I've lost my mp3 files and my maps, I've installed maps with v6 that came with rns.
my problem now is the hdd wont highlight, ive put mp3's on sd card and it don't have option to copy which it did before I updated.
also I have downloaded the v9 map and I cant get it to install because its to big to fit on disc.
can anyone help.
I've downloaded god knows how many versions of firmware and I cant get anything to work. could someone point me to a link for a good firmware and map.
so I can get everything to work as it was if not better.
Fabreze air fresherner, pink fury dice, reflective door gaurds x4, 1x reflective earth strap, 3 tone horn, heated real leather steering cover, dice dust caps 2x red 2x blue, red gold tissue box on parcel shelf, front windscreen sun strip (GRUF Me JULIE), 4ft steel flexi cb aerial, washed monthly with £shop washing up liquid not to forget parking space 14.5 doors from house.

Offline mortygttdi

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Re: Rns 510 pony
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2013, 01:04:16 am »
You need DL dvd for the maps has you say it is too big its cos of the extra features on the maps. Has for the hdd copying have you tried resetting the unit? It may not help but worth a try.

Also make sure your SD card is not write protected and has the little tab at the side in the right position. Other than that possible the firmware hasn't completely taken and the hdd is still a bit off, try another firmware

Offline gruf

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Re: Rns 510 pony
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2013, 01:32:18 pm »
You need DL dvd for the maps has you say it is too big its cos of the extra features on the maps. Has for the hdd copying have you tried resetting the unit? It may not help but worth a try.

Also make sure your SD card is not write protected and has the little tab at the side in the right position. Other than that possible the firmware hasn't completely taken and the hdd is still a bit off, try another firmware

Thanks mate,
How do I reset.
ive got DL discs but they aint working either.
maybe its the firmware,
what is the best up to date firmware to use and the same again for maps.
Fabreze air fresherner, pink fury dice, reflective door gaurds x4, 1x reflective earth strap, 3 tone horn, heated real leather steering cover, dice dust caps 2x red 2x blue, red gold tissue box on parcel shelf, front windscreen sun strip (GRUF Me JULIE), 4ft steel flexi cb aerial, washed monthly with £shop washing up liquid not to forget parking space 14.5 doors from house.

Offline gruf

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Re: Rns 510 pony
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2013, 02:16:47 pm »
I found the reset, I don't thin that works properly as it does not confirm anything after the warning message.
I have no poi's and if I go to the poi bit on the nav screen it just say please wait.
my hdd does not work either.
Fabreze air fresherner, pink fury dice, reflective door gaurds x4, 1x reflective earth strap, 3 tone horn, heated real leather steering cover, dice dust caps 2x red 2x blue, red gold tissue box on parcel shelf, front windscreen sun strip (GRUF Me JULIE), 4ft steel flexi cb aerial, washed monthly with £shop washing up liquid not to forget parking space 14.5 doors from house.