I'm here

multiple options.
1. Pull off the old whitewormed badge - 2 tabs on the sides - just bend them up, then get a swiss army knife or similar under the edge to lever the badge off the base - just stuck with double sided foam tape. Then sand down and wrap with your choice of vinyl, or spray paint of course. Stick back on with some new double sided foam tape.
2. Same as above but once back on the base you could stick a 3D badge on - you want a 110mm one - there are standard VW ones on ebay, or pick a later bevelled type from a scirocco (front) or other VW range (i have a 5M0 on a badge on ebay, see link - so whatever car that was from). the badges will not go over the edge and down the side of the base
3. Same as no.1 but then once the whitewormed badge is off, leave it off :) fill the hole in the base and then either wrap or spray the base the colour of your choice and stick a 3D badge to that (again see ebay link)
4. if you want more effort you can sand the edges of the base enough so that if you can get a Mk5 or Mk6 3D badge (only the Mk6 are sold separately at VW) you can sand the inside of that too and that will push over the edges of the base
5. Once handle is removed, replace with a Mk5 3D handle :)
ill upload some pics of some previous ones later to show you variations
my ebay listings currently
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161066404973?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161066265888?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 ok - so here are some of the ones i have done.
First pic shows what it is like once you get the badge off. the others are just various options

Straight Carbon Fibre Vinyl wrapped badge

Matte black vinyl wrapped badge

Brushed silver/steel vinyl wrapped badge

Badge removed and matte black vinyl on the base and on the VW badge i found on ebay -

Silver scirocco badge stuck to base covered in matte black vinyl

and a scirocco badge i think on top of the badge which was wrapped in matte black vinyl then stuck back to the base

The extra work version - sanding edges and inside of badge as detailed above