General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Are we making any stickers....?

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--- Quote from: SteveP on December 05, 2008, 07:23:20 am ---^^^ Your not the first to suggest that  :happy2:

Do you mean ones like this?

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ye just like that. i think it sets them apart from the other forum stickers that are usually just the url of the website. its a bit different and looks better in my opinion

i think metalic silver finish would look tacky as hell!!

I am going to start a poll in the next couple of day once I have some samples to get everyone's feedback.  :happy2:

I actually prefer the URl styylee but thats just me  :surprised:


--- Quote from: john_o on December 10, 2008, 02:34:21 pm ---I actually prefer the URl styylee but thats just me  :surprised:

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Do you mean like the site name name text  with on the end (

If so that the style we are going for but have some options on the colours and material.


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