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Are we making any stickers....?
its probably just me but i find the mk5golf bit a bit "kitchen fridge" and i bit childish looking? anybody else! please take this as just my opinion/constructive comments! :)
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--- Quote from: JPC on December 15, 2008, 10:14:38 am ---its probably just me but i find the mk5golf bit a bit "kitchen fridge" and i bit childish looking? anybody else! please take this as just my opinion/constructive comments! :)
--- End quote ---
Thats got to be quote of the week already and its only Monday. " a bit kitchen fridge." :laugh:
Yes it has been noted that the lettering needs working on thats what Steve was attaining to above, the problems Steve is having is getting a company to make them in a small enough amount for the right price.
But if you have any other ideas on design or were to get them at a reasonable cost then let us know. :smiley: :happy2:
Y not have a company just sell them online to us so they can be printed off when people want them :happy2:
^^^ That's an option we are considering but TBH I would prefer if we control to supply of the stickers ourselves and it provides (as we grow) a route of potentially raising some funds to cover the running costs of the site.
I like the idea of have options on the stickers but to start with believe the best thing is to have is a simple sticker with just the site name to help promote it a bit more.
Good point fella it does make more sence to just buy a load and send them out as and when people want them :smiley:
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