General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Are we making any stickers....?

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Hi Mike,

If you have some time then please mock something up  :happy2:

What ever design or design's we go with I want them to the be made to affix to the inside of the glass and be laser/die cut without the clear background.



Yes yes

That I undestand. Else you everntually get bubbles under the transparent part. The sticker cut Im reffering to is similar to the lil sticker Audi Etc stick on your window saying what dealer your car was bought from. You know what I mean?


maybe you should jsut do it one colour othewise you`ll have to get printed vinyl.. which means it`ll be more expensive


--- Quote from: SteveP on December 14, 2008, 10:28:58 pm ---umm weird works from both my machines, anyway how about this one: -

--- End quote ---

I kinda like this one!

I see theres a section in the For Sale bit.
Can we have a products forum or page for related gear (only sticker for now) and make the sticker place more visible?
Also is the forum getting a % from sticker sales ?
Is this the official sticker supplier or are we just trying this one for a bit ?

cough just seen it .............duh  :rolleye:  :laugh:


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