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Author Topic: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy  (Read 36584 times)

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #150 on: August 24, 2009, 08:23:09 pm »
wow this is getting hot  :surprised:

any definate reasons why not to do this?

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #151 on: August 24, 2009, 08:23:28 pm »
Thats fine, dont loose sleep. But when your car is out of warranty and the valves are so gummed up that the intake tract of clean air from the inlet manifold no longer creates the turbulence necessary for peak performance, it will be an expensive job to fix it.

Thats when ill give a can of Wurths ago. But alls well on the car front at the moment.

Offline SteveP

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #152 on: August 24, 2009, 08:47:39 pm »
I am 90% sure you have been asked to "comment" on these catch can threads by a person on this site who shall remain nameless. I really hope the 10% doubt I have is the truth otherwise I will have to consider taking some action towards them.

So am i wrong in asking someone for his advise on whether its worth spending my hard earned on now and face being booted from here!!.Ask someone that knows more then i do, and now face "action" :confused:

FFS steve, this is a forum, for a public discussion and at no point did i ask for shaun to post his thoughts on your website.

Get a life if thats your threat.  :mad:

Steve, you of all people know the issues that can be caused on forums by people "inviting" sh*t stirring type posting/conversations.

I am not saying that was your intentions but the fact is T_T appears after being a way for a while to jump on a very popular group buy without any warning.

The reason for my comment about taking "action" is related protecting the interests of the site, IF he had been pointed here in a malicious way then that is when I would take action.

I am not going to stand by and let this place loose the good reputation it has rightfully gained through a lot of hard work from the team here and the valuable contributions of it's members.

IF you feel hard done by because of my post then that for you to deal with.

Yes this is a forum, but it like every other forum it has moderators and admin's would ultimately choose it's path and set the rules all of it's members agree to but joining and using it.

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #153 on: August 24, 2009, 08:50:42 pm »
jeeze I go away for a few hrs and its WW3  :stupid:

T_T : your posts are always full of info and the forum would do well to have you more on here than t'other forum.
           However we havent heard from you for a while then you jump in and call us all fools , hardly a diplomatic informed way to educate us is it? sometimes its as much about how you present things as the facts themselves.

for everyone else : like everything else on any forum , review the data on this and other forums and make your own decision.
question everything (in a calm and non emotional tone) and dont assume anyone knows it all , I know I dont !  :happy2:
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Offline SteveP

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #154 on: August 24, 2009, 08:54:27 pm »

I am 90% sure you have been asked to "comment" on these catch can threads by a person on this site who shall remain nameless. I really hope the 10% doubt I have is the truth otherwise I will have to consider taking some action towards them.

....Steve, doesn't that imply that you think there is (90% sure) a conspiracy? To gain what? - I can't see a good reason.

Whereas, aren't we merely discussing the pro's and con's of the Catchcan system? - Surely important to assess regardless of whether the device costs £100 or £1,000. Modern engines are relatively sophisticated (at least they are to me!) and surely any mod should be politely challenged.

Personally, I'm learning a lot from all this discussion and whether T_T is correct or not, his opinions are always worth reading regardless of our individual decisions as a result. Everyone knows that he and I don't always agree!

Oh, and although I have asked whether there are any disadvantages to the Catchcan, I haven't asked T_T to "comment" either. I did send him a PM to welcome him after a number of posts he had made. I often do that after a long period of absence because I know he suffers from poor health at times and it also helps to keep the peace between us!!

Robin, some of my post above will hopefully answer some of your points.

I have no issue with people PM'ing/emailing/phoning/sending a carrier pigeon to anyone to help them with a question or topic on here, but for the right reasons.

I also understand the situation with T_T and appreciate your efforts to help keep the peace  :smiley:

Phil Mcavity

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #155 on: August 24, 2009, 09:04:41 pm »
I am 90% sure you have been asked to "comment" on these catch can threads by a person on this site who shall remain nameless. I really hope the 10% doubt I have is the truth otherwise I will have to consider taking some action towards them.

So am i wrong in asking someone for his advise on whether its worth spending my hard earned on now and face being booted from here!!.Ask someone that knows more then i do, and now face "action" :confused:

FFS steve, this is a forum, for a public discussion and at no point did i ask for shaun to post his thoughts on your website.

Get a life if thats your threat.  :mad:

Steve, you of all people know the issues that can be caused on forums by people "inviting" sh*t stirring type posting/conversations.

I am not saying that was your intentions but the fact is T_T appears after being a way for a while to jump on a very popular group buy without any warning.

The reason for my comment about taking "action" is related protecting the interests of the site, IF he had been pointed here in a malicious way then that is when I would take action.

I am not going to stand by and let this place loose the good reputation it has rightfully gained through a lot of hard work from the team here and the valuable contributions of it's members.

IF you feel hard done by because of my post then that for you to deal with.

Yes this is a forum, but it like every other forum it has moderators and admin's would ultimately choose it's path and set the rules all of it's members agree to but joining and using it.

Indeed steve, but at no time did i ask Shaun to post his thoughts on her and to cause this discussion.

I was seriously wanted to find out whether to splash out on this mod, and i have last night spoken to 3 forum members on their oppinion, if they want to come foward and back me up, then all the better.
He knows far more on this and i just wanted to try and understand why we would need to have this mod, or potentially have huge issues. Your Photo of a coke bottle was kinda worrying, so i asked him on his thougths on whether its worth purchasing.

At no stage did i ask for him to venture in here and cause you upset in your group purchase, just that i went to someone with more knowledge that could help me decide.

I have no issue about you threatening me with removal of this site, just wanted to make it CRYSTAL clear, so you and the  mods dont think there is a conspiricy theory here.

Waiting for your reply via Pm reference your threat to my membership.


You will always get disagreements on a public forum and its impossible to totally remove this kinda thing happening.

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #156 on: August 24, 2009, 09:05:59 pm »

Robin, some of my post above will hopefully answer some of your points.

I have no issue with people PM'ing/emailing/phoning/sending a carrier pigeon to anyone to help them with a question or topic on here, but for the right reasons.

I also understand the situation with T_T and appreciate your efforts to help keep the peace  :smiley:

....Your post, subsequent to mine, absolutely answers my points/questions -  :happy2: 8) :happy2:

Furthermore, I can appreciate how tricky it can sometimes be for you handling loose cannons such at T_T, Phil Mc, myself, and also one or two others who tend to be outspoken etc.

Actually, I think it's better that people are open with their views rather than bottle them up in resentment, even if the forum has hot spots occasionally.

You're doing a good job, mate. TopCat, on the other hand........... :evilgrin: :wink:

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #157 on: August 24, 2009, 09:07:13 pm »
^^^ im a loose Cannon WTF!!!

Robin, how dare you  :notworthy:

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #158 on: August 24, 2009, 09:14:16 pm »

This is the best GTI site on the planet! Actually it's becoming more of a 2.0T FSI site.


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Offline SteveP

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #159 on: August 24, 2009, 09:29:36 pm »
@ Robin - We accept there will be a few hot spot, but people starting forest fires is a different matter. Thanks for your comments.  :drinking:

@ Phil - I am not sure what you mean about "Waiting for your reply via Pm reference your threat to my membership." I have no need to PM anyone if we choose to do anything with anyone's account status (just ask joesgti  :laugh:). I have made my point and as you have stated this wasn't malicious then there is no "action" to be taken.

Offline edition_30

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #160 on: August 24, 2009, 09:30:17 pm »
I dont have a catch can. I have the PCV completely blocked. It will be staying that way. FTMFW.   :happy2:

How does that work mate? Any pics?

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #161 on: August 24, 2009, 09:31:51 pm »
I dont have a catch can. I have the PCV completely blocked. It will be staying that way. FTMFW.   :happy2:

How does that work mate? Any pics?   :happy2:

Offline bacillus

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #162 on: August 24, 2009, 09:59:04 pm »
So basically, it doesnt have the 2 outlets for the catch can. It just gets blown back into the rocker and then into the sump.


The pcv revamp vents any vapours of whatever nature back into the inlet track of the engine. If you look carefully at the plate you will see that there is a connecting channel between the outlet and inlet ports. With the catch can the plate is devoid of this channel and has matching holes to the inlet and outlet ports.
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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #163 on: August 24, 2009, 10:07:02 pm »
Stage 2:

Can any current owners of the catch can tell me if the 'can' is a smooth surface or is it textured/rough surface

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Re: BSH PCV catch can - Now with Possible Group Buy
« Reply #164 on: August 24, 2009, 10:11:17 pm »
its textured, but not really rough :smiley: