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Author Topic: Someone's driven into my driver door  (Read 477 times)

Offline Little_Dave

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Someone's driven into my driver door
« on: August 04, 2013, 05:25:49 pm »
Ok so went out to my car yesterday morning to find white paint down the side of my driver door  :fighting: :fighting:

Obviously no note or any idea who it was and after swearing a lot I checked out the damage

Looks like they've driven into my door and instead of stopping and reversing have decided it was easier to just keep going and slide down my door leaving about a 15 inch scratch down the rub strip and a circular patch of paint about the size of the palm of my hand has been grazed leaving white paint scratches in the middle

Just wondering if anybody knows the part number for the rub strips? Mines a 3 door and its the drivers side if it makes a difference which door

Hoping I can polish it out of the door but its quite a decent scratch so not holding my breath  :sad1:

Wish I drove a heap of a car sometimes so I could not give a sh*t like most other drivers seem to do on the roads these days  :fighting:
