The boot still pops opens (unlocks) when the fob is pressed but it might not open/swing up. It can still be opened via the handle though. The only bit that has a problem (sometimes) in the cold weather are the struts.
As for maps, look at REVO, APR and especially R Tech, id avoid bluefin. R Tech are a VAG tuner who do custom maps and specialise in the 2.0T FSI and really know their stuff. I have never read a bad review of their maps, plus they are half the price of the other 2.
R Tech map reviewed here.....
~~ Clicky here ~~The R32 brakes are a good upgrade but do weigh a bit. I don't know if they fit behind the standard Eddy Pescara's or not, may need spacers, may not. Other options are the NQSBBK, a porsche brembo kit, they won't fit without spacers of different wheels. also look at AP Racing or VWR Racing BBK's, all 4 pot.
The NQSBBK thread (below), read the first few pages, that should do.....
~~ Clicky here ~~NQSBBK Porsche Brembo's on my Eddy, behind my 18"x8" ET44 BBS VZ"s which are very similar (identical in design to the BBS Pescara's) to the Eddy wheels but wider and with a better offset so no spacers required...

Off the car......