General > Product Reviews
GFB DV+ OEM Diverter upgrade kit
--- Quote from: Scottymon on August 16, 2013, 08:34:11 pm ---It does seem damn expensive for what it is (also requiring a stock DV body), so how much would a GB bring this down by? :popcornsoda:
--- End quote ---
NOt sure bit usually these GBs are about 5-10%
I have just ordered one for myself :laugh:
Will need to get the Ball rolling for the GB, Gentlemen & Ladies! :drinking:
I might be interested in a GB depending on price and timescale as I'm not messing about with a DV when the weather starts to get crap again.
Has anyone tried one on a k03 yet?
Cant get better timing than this (a bit spooky to be honest ) just been on balance motorsport page because i havent had a look what they do since i had my mk4 golf,then i saw these and was wondering if anyone had done a review and then i come on here and there is a thread on them,again i might show some interest in a group buy if possible.
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