General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Im posting, but comes up with fault, i dont get post count or notifications???
Ok, i post a reply or new topic and it comes up with "Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator", but when i press the back button the post ive made is there anyway.
Problem is, even though i tick the box to receive notification- it isnt working.
It also isnt counting up my posts, which i need as a new member so i can PM others etc...
Whats happening?
See other threads. Problem with forum software. Still being dealt with. Please wait. Remember to read the rules. If you spam to reach 10 posts just for PM, your posts may be deleted.
I seen other posts but none mentioned post counts or getting no notifications.
Spam? Id hardly have to spam to reach 10 posts. :wink:
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