Yes it's worth it. Such a difference for such a pitiful amount of money (compared to other mods that is

Get a generic one from eBay, identical to the Forge one but half the price. Check that your side/side shifter isn't the plastic one and if it is you might want to get the OEM metal one or the more expensive Forge one and don't forget the 42 Draft Designs shifter bushes as it won't feel a whole lot different without these, albeit a wee bit shorter (there's a few different figments so have a look at yours and order the correct size ones).
EBay shifter...
~~ Clicky here ~~If you need (or want) the adjustable side/side metal shifter. It can be bought from all over but here's one on AwesomeGTI 's site...
~~ Clicky here ~~The 42 Draft Designs bushes can be found here....
~~ Clicky here ~~And bought from here.....
~~ Clicky here ~~As for fitting. The forge shifter and the 42 Draft Design bits come with good, clear instructions which can also be viewed on their sites beforehand. Wouldn't do it myself but that's because I'm a ham fisted idiot who barely knows where the engine is but you'll be no doubt be a lot better.