Sorry people, been away and had V Festival this naturally in no fit state to do anything.
As earlier in the thread, a few of us are stil dealing with these suppossed charges. So, seems to depend on pot luck with the company invovled. Your lesser known companies generally won't comply with the necessary requirments and send letters out based on a % paying. NFA for those that don't.
Others however are slightly more 'clued' up shall we say and in November 2012 the Protection of Freedoms Act came into force allowing these private companies to pursue the registered keeper if a certain number of clauses are met - in a nutshell allowing them to pursue to RK if their 'charges' or letters were not responded to.
Generally the advice has been to ignore them. Depending on the company it really depends whether they'll go full whack and go to county court. Parking Eye is one company that is causing a stir and send a significant amount of county court claim forms daily.
Depends on how lucky you feel. Essentially it still boils down to a contractual agreement. However, a seperate, technical, offence is committed should the RK not reply. General adive seems to suggest engaging in their appeals process and then to a independant body who generally will find in favour of the RK, therefore no more action being taken.
I am awaiting my county court claim form. I am hopeful I will win and have a number of things to put forward, and if I loose, I loose. I am in a very lucky position where their claimed amount is something I can afford to pay so going through to the very end, won't effect me financially. Saying that, it is easy to see why those that do pay up do. I do subscribe to the view that you do something wrong, you pay for it, but only if the systems, procedures and safeguards are adhered to. In my case, I feel they definately haven't been hence my appeal.
So, yes, ignore if you want, but be wary. PM if you want any further info.
Alternatively, join the scene and run the plate on the dash! It may prevent...

I am also in the lucky position where my details will no longer be given out but that's down to something completely different. I am happy to help anyone out who is in similar circumstances.