I'm going to put on my NQSBBK so need some spacers. 
I need 3mm to clear but maybe want a bit more 
Would place same size of spacers in the rear, to balance it out...
Now I know to stay away from universal spacers, I absolutely dont want any whobble !
Are the ones with a center lip the best choice, Like this ? 
H&R DR Version 2
I like the idea that the hub isnt made shorter!
If I do a 3mm spacer,(without the lip offcourse) can I still use the original bolts?
I dont want to be cheap on something important like this !
Yep don't do cheap as the potential to go wrong very badly is there! If you need to clear 3mm to stick your brakes on, you only need 3mm! Clearly if you want to put a 4mm spacer on, crack on. Check to see if the the tread still sits in the arch, which it should though.
As for bolts. This was, and still is my bugbear. Ideally you want new bolts with the OEM vw lenth + 3mm. However, whether you'll find any is a different matter. Yes your stand bolts will work albeit you'll have 3mm less bolted onto the car (holding them on). To put that into perspective. When I got my golf and the horendous states the wheels were in, I not only had the wrong seat type in, but had standard bolts in as well........I was running a 10mm spacer!!! Considering what I got upto, I hate to think how lucky I was. So yeh, upto you, but if there is a reason for the brakes ie: more power, then 100% safe = +3mm bolts.