Granted I'm only just over a month into ownership but I absolutely love our Golf and it's the first car for ages that I'm not even remotely considering changing anytime soon!
It does so many things well, yet still looks subtle and I think that's what makes it so popular. My wife can pootle around in it with our daughter and her pram in the back easily, or we can have a proper blast in it round the country lanes and it does both equally well.
The WRX I had before was probably just as practical but then people hate you driving it...

My 530i was again, even more practical but then nowhere near as engaging to drive and to be honest not as well built (plus nowhere near as fast!)
The fact that I don't want to change the car yet, or see anything for the same budget that would even come close to the amount of enjoyment and practicality is definitely a good thing! (which my wife would also agree with as is pretty sick of me changing the cars so often

Saying all that though, if I did have 60k to spend on a car then I'd buy a new rs4 and keep the Golf for the wife