General > Shows, Events and Meets

Rolling Road Day @ Surrey Rolling Road

<< < (29/98) > >>

Correct, 15 mins per car, and 22 cars is SRR's max!

Oh ok, just been to similar days at JKM and don't remember it taking that long! I await to be proved wrong!  :smiley:

Are there any 'facilities' in the vicinity.  :smiley:

Phil Mcavity:
 :signLOL: food before Rollers :laugh:

2nd that  :innocent:

Poppa Dom:

--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on November 08, 2009, 10:11:44 pm --- :signLOL: food before Rollers :laugh:

2nd that  :innocent:

--- End quote ---
Before, during and after!


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