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Rolling Road Day @ Surrey Rolling Road

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--- Quote from: SteveS on November 26, 2009, 06:51:16 pm ---i would have agreed but again, i swear the original 1. holds better!!

im surprised the 3rd RevD oem valve doesn't have some kind of rubber bung, how can a bit of plastic keep it air tight

--- End quote ---

The fix was implemented from RevD onwards*. I've had both a Rev A and a Rev B on my car which both broke (replaced with forge unit before Rev D came out).

I believe the current version is Rev G?

*could be wrong, it's been awhile since I thought of this.

Then I guess it's a case of if it works, don't mend it, Steve  :happy2:

Hi ,

i'm new in your forum and i just found that you are having a rr day on saturday =)
Is there still any slot available would be interested.
btw i m from luxembourg and currently studying in the UK

hope the see you guys soon.


pako tang

Phil Mcavity:
^^ accoarding to the List yes mate  :happy2:, but Oli will confirm, watch this space

A Warm Welcome to the forum, pako  :happy2:

I hope you'll come and meet us all anyway and am sure Oli will do his utmost to fit you in on the dyno.

Interesting spec on your car  :smiley:


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