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Rolling Road Day @ Surrey Rolling Road
Make that 391bhp, and it wasn't a VW!!!
Good to see you guys there o/
will upload pictures after I have something to eat.
Some nice power there, some nice cars there (Robin's GTI is lovely), and as predicted my car is broken... 229, turbo not boosting. So it's nice to know I'm not going crazy :rolleye:
Phil Mcavity:
--- Quote from: SteveS on November 28, 2009, 12:31:27 pm ---oh sh*t!! i slept in!! cant believe it! sorry guys!!! :ashamed:
--- End quote ---
:stupid: 12.30!, and we were sat waiting for you :innocent:
Phil Mcavity:
just arrived back, one of the best turnouts today, blue skys but a tad cold, but great for figure hunters with the cooler temperatures.
Some Pics to come :smiley:
Cheers for All of Oli's hard work. Great day :happy2:
and our resident Figure chaser DomT explaining the ins and outs of something!!, as you can see Wigit's taking it all in :grin:
--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on November 28, 2009, 03:17:44 pm ---Cheers for All of Oli's hard work. Great day :happy2:
--- End quote ---
+1 :happy2:
Thanks again for organising, it was great to meet you all. :drinking:
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