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Rolling Road Day @ Surrey Rolling Road

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--- Quote from: Oli on November 29, 2009, 04:27:12 pm ---And yes, great roads. Your Cupra was so much better on the brakes, for obvious reasons.

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wish we had of all chatted more together, i would of let some of the seat haters drive the car and make up their minds then  :chicken:

Phil Mcavity:
Sorry when you said silver, it was a grey car following you.


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on November 29, 2009, 04:37:33 pm ---Sorry when you said silver, it was a grey car following you.

--- End quote ---

oh.. my mistake  :ashamed:

just been told someone has a video of my motor doing its dyno jump so ill post as soon as i get


--- Quote from: chungster on November 29, 2009, 09:05:27 am ---Hurdy, 
can u do a comparison based on torque instead? Think that would be more interesting! :happy2:

--- End quote ---

Here you go :happy2:

Shows a "little" difference between the torque and where it is accessible.

wow torque is not that much different at higher revs as i thought, yet dan's car makes 50 more bhp.

that difference below 4k rpm is monumental tho, and for everyday driveability, is i'd have to say just what you'd want.

Happily keep the £££'s in the pocket and spend it on fuel and track days rather than BT'ing a K04 car.

If it was a K03 car (like Dan's used to be, long time ago) then the GT28 is a worth while jump.

Cheers for doing the graph Mr H.


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