I was gonna say only coming the afternoon but brekkie down at the Old School cafe sounds alright to me. Might make that, I pass that place often and always wanted to know what it was like...
As to people being concerned about the rollers, Charlie's rollers put me at 248bhp a couple of years ago which I was pleased with :) Though I'm not expecting that this time 'round, because my car is broken (though I'm not sure how broken, natch

you can not accurately measure flywheel power with the engine still in the car!
it needs to come out and done on a test bench / engine dyno to get a proper engine power figure.
something like this (its from Norris Designs)
as Hedge says...they do some strange witchcraft / creative accounting thing to give u a number that u can then argue over at the local.
You coming down to this Lee? Been ages since I've seen you!