Hey Dave
How's it going mate, yes got it done, went a test drive didn't notice much on my way on the test run but on the way back, it seemed to be going up threw
the revs alot quicker, i found it was sharper mate...
I also done a check, with the vcds before and after for fault codes, just incase. but nothing

It blew a load of black stuff out the back, right up againist a mates car, that was parked behind me... soon to be moved

about 5foot behind me ...
Im Impressed would like to see the difference with my logs...

Came across something in the vcds, in the service part, about soot quailty 100 x = 0 on mine now... not sure what it was before, wanted to check the big mates there but his Mrs dropped him in !
anyone with vcds fancy going out and trying theres to see what comes up, , just click on the sri in the right hand corner, and it does it's thing and will give you a list..