The whole point of the minimum posts is so that members here get to know the new people and so that the new people get to introduce themselves, their cars and their modifying addiction!!

If the minimum post count was designed to be overcome by simply spamming up a thread (whether designed for spamming or not!) then it's pointless!!!

Do what regular members on here do, contribute helpfully. Ask questions, give opinions on mods/photos/problems/etc and make yourself known within the forum.
For example:-
You want to buy a car, a mk5 Golf GTI to be precise. So you sign up on here, introduce yourself as a hopeful soon-to-be owner, ask around for things to look for when viewing a Golf for sale (also using the search function!!). View member rides and see what other people have done to their cars, get your own ideas for what you'd like to do to your car, or what extra's or must-haves you'd like to buy a golf with. It isn't difficult to contribute meaningfully with
TEN posts!